I present to you…PeepHenge.


The circle of bluepeeps dates, as shown in the photo above, by some estimations to the third millennium BC. It is thought that the altar-peep was put in place during this era.

The upright sarsen-peeps and the capping lintel-peeps were erected beginning about one hundred years later. The above picture gives a good overview of the longest stretch of sarsen-peeps and lintel-peeps still standing, while the picture immediately below presents a close-up view.

PeepHenge has suffered over the long centuries and few of the uprights and lintel-peeps are in their original position. Many peeps are missing altogether and may have been hauled off to use in Victorian peep-shows.

Romantic persons are inclined to the belief that the Druids built PeepHenge, and despite this historical inaccuracy, sacrifices are carried out yearly at the summer solstice by modern-day impersonators and make full use of the altar-peep.

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